Speaking & Media Inquiries

For all MEDIA inquiries regarding the Shared Crossing Project and the book At Heaven's Door - What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better by William Peters, email [email protected]
The Shared Crossing Project is available for SPEAKING engagements and can tailor presentations, lectures, and talks to accommodate the specific needs of your group or event. We are happy to come to you in person or online. Customized to your needs, our trained staff will present on a variety of subjects, including:
How to have a conscious, connected, and loving end-of-life experience
What comprises a shared death experience and how to prepare for one
Discussions of aging, decline, and death from a relational perspective
How to create ease in discussing end-of-life issues between loved ones, friends, colleagues, staff, etc.
Afterlife concepts and guided visualizations that help clarify personal beliefs and ease fear and anxiety
Contact us to discuss how we can best meet your needs.
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