Shared Crossings & Shared Death Experiences

A Shared Crossing is a special experience at the end of a life that suggests loving connection and communication with loved ones beyond this human realm

The term “shared crossing” broadly refers to an experience that one or more people may have before, during, or after a death. A shared crossing typically includes receiving information about dying or the continuation of consciousness, and it may include the appearance of the dying and/or deceased loved ones, which provides comfort and support. Experiencers report that they have received a healing gift, crafted especially for them, that has resulted in a significant shift in their grief.  They also report being wholly transformed by the experience.

The Spectrum of End-of-Life Experiences (SELE) illustrates the range of shared crossing types and when they can occur in the death and dying process. Our Research team studies this range of experiences from one year before to one year after the end of life:

Types of Shared Crossings 


Pre-death premonitions are strong feelings that either oneself or another is about to die.  These premonitions typically appear days to hours before a death, although some occur months or even years before a death.


Visions and visitations refer to seeing or sensing deceased loved ones. They can occur hours, days, weeks, or even months before a death, up to years following.


Synchronicities refer to seemingly random and unrelated events or coincidences that have special meaning. They can occur pre-death, at-death or post-death and may be viewed as signs or messages relating an impending death, or messages from the deceased or some higher power.


Terminal lucidity refers to an unexpected and unexplainable surge of vitality and spiritual connectedness at end of life such as dramatic improvements in mental clarity, the ability to physically move, and/or awareness of other people or spiritual beings in the room.


Shared Death Experiences (SDEs) are a unique type of Shared Crossing that people describe as sharing in the transition of the dying to a benevolent afterlife. SDEs typically occur right around the time of death, but can occur moments, hours, days, or even weeks before or after a death.


Direct post-death communication refers to when people feel that they are in direct mental contact with a recently departed loved one.  Such experiences may occur immediately or shortly after a death, and they may continue for days, weeks, months or even years.

The Shared Crossing Story Collection

We have curated an ever-growing collection of videos from people who have told us about their shared crossings. These stories have been shared in the hopes that people, perhaps like you, can view them and better understand what a shared crossing is, and some of the many incredible aftereffects they can have on the experiencer.  

The Shared Crossing Story Collection

Pre-death premonitions are strong feelings that either oneself or another is about to die.  These premonitions typically appear days to hours before a death, although some occur months or even years before a death.


Visions and visitations refer to seeing or sensing deceased loved ones. They can occur hours, days, weeks, or even months before a death, up to years following.


Synchronicities refer to seemingly random and unrelated events or coincidences that have special meaning. They can occur pre-death, at-death or post-death and may be viewed as signs or messages relating an impending death, or messages from the deceased or some higher power.


Terminal lucidity refers to an unexpected and unexplainable surge of vitality and spiritual connectedness at end of life such as dramatic improvements in mental clarity, the ability to physically move, and/or awareness of other people or spiritual beings in the room.


Shared Death Experiences (SDEs) are a unique type of Shared Crossing that people describe as sharing in the transition of the dying to a benevolent afterlife. SDEs typically occur right around the time of death, but can occur moments, hours, days, or even weeks before or after a death.


Direct post-death communication refers to when people feel that they are in direct mental contact with a recently departed loved one.  Such experiences may occur immediately or shortly after a death, and they may continue for days, weeks, months or even years.

The Shared Crossing Story Collection

We have curated an ever-growing collection of videos from people who have told us about their shared crossings. These stories have been shared in the hopes that people, perhaps like you, can view them and better understand what a shared crossing is, and some of the many incredible aftereffects they can have on the experiencer.  

The Shared Crossing Story Collection

A Shared Death Experience (SDE) is a specific term for a unique and profound type of shared crossing

SDEs can be experienced by one or more loved ones, caregivers, or even bystanders and they feature what people describe as sharing in a dying person’s journey or transition to the initial stages of a benevolent afterlife.  

SDEs can be experienced at the bedside of a dying person or remotely, and they can occur at the time of a death, any time in days before or after a death, or they can occur even gradually over the course of one or more days. They can also occur whether one is awake or asleep. 

An SDE is not an NDE (Near-Death Experience). As many people know, an NDE is a profound event that happens when someone almost dies. A person who experiences an SDE, on the other hand, is a caregiver or loved one to a dying person. 


Features of Shared Death Experiences 

There are several features that commonly appear in reports of shared death experiences.  Some of these include visions of the dying, previously deceased loved ones, or mystical beings; a transcendent light; heavenly realms; a tunnel or vortex; and undergoing a life review where key moments of a dying person’s life are experienced.  In fact, many SDE features are nearly identical those found in near-death experiences (NDEs).  However, unlike NDEs, SDEs occur around an actual death, and they appear to consist of sharing in the dying experience of another.

Shared Crossing Story Collection

Shared Crossing & SDE Aftereffects

People reporting shared crossings overwhelmingly consider these experiences to be gifts of love and healing. These experiences are often so moving that they lead people to re-evaluate their previous thoughts about life, death and dying.

Some of the most common aftereffects of having a shared crossing experience include:

Being convinced of an afterlife.

Knowing that they will be reunited with their loved ones again;

 Finding that one’s fears or anxieties about death and dying disappear; and

Improvement in the reconciliation of one’s grief over the loss of a loved one.

“I wish I could shake the world with what I experienced in those few moments. I wish I could wake us all up. I'm sorry that some of you believe what you believe, but I'm here to tell you it exists. This is not it. This is not all there is. This is real. I just wanted everybody to have the experience I just had."
Thery J

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