The Shared Crossing Project Team

William Peters, M.A., M.Ed., MFT
Founder & Executive Director of Shared Crossing Project
Director of Shared Crossing Research Initiative
William Peters, a licensed psychotherapist, is the founder of the Shared Crossing Project. William has developed a series of leading-edge programs that introduce audiences to a broad assortment of experientially based curricula and practices. These programs focus on preparation for a conscious, connecting, and loving end-of-life experience, and they invite exploration of the topic of life after death. Some of these workshops also impart a series of protocols intended to initiate shared death experiences and other beneficial shared crossing phenomena.

Monica Williams, MD
Medical Director
Monica Williams is a board-certified emergency physician who is on staff at one of the largest emergency departments in the nation, Huntsville Hospital, where she is also the Medical Director for Advanced Care Planning and End of Life Education Programs. She has served on the Board of Directors for two not-for-profit hospices and is a past appointee to the American College of Emergency Physicians End of Life Taskforce. Dr. Williams is faculty for the UAB's School of Medicine where she lectures on ethics and end-of-life decision-making.
More on William
More on Monica
“I wish I could shake the world with what I experienced in those few moments. I wish I could wake us all up. I'm sorry that some of you believe what you believe, but I'm here to tell you it exists. This is not it. This is not all there is. This is real. I just wanted everybody to have the experience I just had."
Thery J.