Shared Death Experiences
A 6-part online self-study course
featuring 3 recorded Q&A sessions with
Moderated by Lisa Smartt
Join the pioneers at the forefront of shared death experience study,
Dr. Raymond Moody and William Peters

Shared death Experiences (or SDEs) are incredible events whereby one or more loved ones or caregivers report sharing in a dying person’s transition to the initial stages of an afterlife.
Dr. Raymond Moody first identified shared death experiences (SDEs) as a particular type of end-of-life experience only a little more than ten years ago. Inspired by this work, William Peters applied clinical research to create the first typologies of SDEs that were later validated by the Shared Crossing Research Initiative.
While similar in many ways to near-death experiences, SDEs are unique in that they occur to people who are not themselves physically close to dying. As such, they are especially interesting because unlike near-death experiences, there aren’t sufficient ways to explain away the amazing events reported in SDEs as the products of a dying brain.
Do you wish to learn what leading edge research into SDEs has revealed? Do you want to investigate the astonishing implications that SDEs have for us all? Do you aspire to learn activities and techniques to explore dimensions of consciousness that are connected to death, dying, and what lies beyond?
In this series of modules, you will learn the importance of SDEs and what they mean for us all. As a bonus feature, you will have exclusive access to recordings of two of the world’s leading experts on SDEs discussing their features in a 3-part Q & A series.
Raymond Moody is the individual responsible for initially popularizing SDEs and William Peters is the founder and director of the only research institute dedicated to the study of SDEs and their healing benefits. Together, Moody and Peters have amassed most of what we know about SDEs.
By the end of this 6-part course, you’ll:
- See amazing videos of people sharing their own life transforming SDEs
- Learn the awe-inspiring key features that make up SDEs
- Experience mind elevating activities to better align your consciousness with energies beyond the veil
- Gain a newfound appreciation for the mystery of death not as an ending but as a transition to a new beginning
What people are saying:

Raymond is one of the most brilliant men I have met. He blazed the trail for so many. It was a great honor to study with him. At 77 years old, he is a living legend. I would strongly recommend taking a course with the great maestro of death, dying and grief recovery.
Lee M. ~ Financial Analyst

William, it goes without saying (I hope) how grateful I am to you for helping me navigate those treacherous and painful years after Mike’s death. I learned so much. I guess it is indeed true that grief is one of our greatest teachers and you guided me along that path as well as helping me understand the mystery of the afterlife.
Nancy D.
What You Will Learn
Module 1 - Multiple Dimensions: Exploring Changes in the Time/Space Continuum
Module 2 - “A Place, a Portal, a Being”: Mystical Light in SDE Accounts
Module 3 - Finding Oneself Elsewhere: Out-of-Body Experiences and Heavenly Realms
Module 4 - Reliving the Past: Types of Life Reviews Reported in SDEs
Module 5 - “It Looked Like an Angel”: Encounters with Spirit Beings
Module 6 - The Substance of Soul: Reports of Seeing the Spirit Leave the Body
What You'll Receive -
- 6 Course Modules. To complete online at your own pace. These modules are self-guided.
- 3 video Q&A sessions presented by Dr. Raymond Moody and William Peters.
- Session 1 focuses on Modules 1 & 2
- Session 2 focuses on Modules 3 & 4
- Session 3 focuses on Modules 5 & 6
- Your own Student Portal. Your student portal will contain all the material you need for your course, plus additional bonus material. Here, you can keep track of your course completion.
Who the Course Is For
This course is for anyone, whether you are working in the end of life arena, or have been guided here through personal interest.
The six modules and 3 Q&A videos are unlocked for you as soon as you sign up. You can complete them at your own pace.

Live Webinar Recording
How the Shared Death Experience Changes Everything
In March 2022, Dr. Raymond Moody and William Peters hosted this live webinar with an audience of thousands of people from right around the world.
This course continues the journey with Raymond and William about the incredible, life-altering, shared death experience.
Your Presenters

Dr. Raymond Moody
Dr. Raymond Moody, MD, PhD, is a philosopher, psychiatrist, physician and author, most widely known for his books about afterlife and near-death experiences (NDEs), a term that he coined in 1975 in his best-selling book Life After Life. For half a century, he has researched some of life’s greatest mysteries and had a strong interest in how medical realities intersect with the ineffable realm of philosophy. In his multiple roles as author, professor, public speaker and grief counselor, he has heard thousands of accounts of near-death, shared-death and after-death experiences. He never expected that his interest in the afterlife would become such a focus of his life’s work, but it has led him to great associations, friendships and insights.
William Peters
William Peters, M.Ed, M.A, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist, founder of the Shared Crossing Project, and author of At Heaven's Door. William has developed a series of leading-edge programs that introduce audiences to a broad assortment of experientially based curricula and practices. These programs focus on preparation for a conscious, connecting, and loving end-of-life experience, and they invite exploration of the topic of life after death. As the Director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his research team collect and study extraordinary end-of-life experiences (shared crossings). He is recognized by many as the world’s leading authority on the shared death experience (SDE), having developed the first research-based typology of this phenomenon.

Lisa Smartt
Lisa Smartt, MA, is a linguist, book coach, and writer. She is the author of Words at the Threshold: What We Say When We’re Nearing Death (New World Library 2017). The book is based on data collected through The Final Words Project, an ongoing study devoted to gathering and interpreting the mysterious language at end of life. She has worked closely with Raymond Moody, guided by his research into language, particularly unintelligible speech. They have co-facilitated presentations about language and consciousness at universities, hospices and conferences. Lisa has also written Cante Bardo, Veil, Diet for a Broken Heart and Lessons in Lullabies. She is currently working on a new book called Healing at the Threshold about creating end-of-life opportunities for meaningful communication and closure.

Profound Peace and Calm
It is “freeing” to realize that we don’t actually die! I knew this on some level as a deeply spiritual being having this human experience but the stories that were shared solidified it for me. I’ve had a lot of family and friends die and just knowing that they are still here with us, that they really didn’t die, brings profound peace and calm to my whole being. I feel knowing this, when it’s my time to release my body, it will come with much grace and ease.
Alicia F.